Coaching Contract
All clients will be required to sign a contract – see example below.
Client name: ___________________________________________
This agreement, between coach Jennifer Clark and the above-named client will begin on ___________ and will continue for ____ x 1 hour sessions at a rate of ___________. These sessions will be face-to-face or virtual sessions (as agreed)
Coaching is a collaborative, solution focussed, results-orientated and systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, self-directed learning and personal and professional growth of the coaches.
Throughout the working relationship, the coach will engage in direct, personal and often challenging conversations. The coaches understands that successful coaching requires an active collaboration approach between coaches and coach.
The coach plays the role of a facilitator of change while it’s the coaches responsibility to enact change.
Coaching is not therapy and does not aim to treat psychological problems. The coaches agrees to disclose details of past or present psychological or psychiatric treatment. If such issues become salient during the coaching relationship, the coach may recommend referral to an appropriate and qualified specialist.
As a coach, I will:
- Be clear with you about the coaching relationship, including any expectations
- Be prepared for each coaching session
- Come to each coaching session promptly at the agreed time
- Maintain complete confidentiality, within the limits of the law, unless you give me explicit permission to share particular issues with others
- Represent myself to you with honesty and integrity and will refer you to another profession if I am not within my area of expertise or comfort
As a coachee, I will:
- Thoughtfully prepare for each coaching session
- Come to each coaching session promptly at the agreed time
- Seek to complete any between-sessions action steps
- Be honest and forthright in my decisions
- Receive, accept and act on feedback
- Raise, and frankly discuss, any issues that relate to the goals we are working on.
If a session needs to be rescheduled for any reason (either by the coach or the coaches), a minimum of 48 hours’ notice is required.
Coaching sessions must be undertaken within a specified time frame in order to build momentum between sessions. Six sessions should be completed within a 9-month period, allowing time for momentum and also pressures of a day job, holidays and unplanned events.
The client can, at any point in the coaching session, declare his/her preference not to discuss a specific issue, by simply stating that they would rather not discuss this issue. The coach agrees to respect this boundary and will not attempt to forward the conversation further along those lines.
The coach will work within the professional ethics and guidelines as described in the EMCC’s Code of Ethics. All information about the coach/client relationship will remain strictly confidential except in very rare circumstances. Exceptions to confidentiality of course relate to circumstances such as risk or criminal offence. Otherwise, all information is confidential.
If you wish me as your coach to speak to someone outside our interactions, then you need to give me written permission (original letter or email) to do so.
The coach and client agree to provide each other with two week’s notice in the event that it is desired to terminate coaching. Otherwise, the coaching will continue for the duration of the contracted period. Failure to complete any of the sessions within the time will result in a 25% fee.
Our signatures on this agreement indicate full understanding of and agreement with the information outlined above.